Greetings, small creature.

It seems like you have sauntered across this bottomless well. Loose tongues say a stray soul lives here. Singing songs and talking nonsense, and sometimes drawing pictures too. You might as well listen to it.


 Are thou bored, mine child? Are thou searching for relief from political et/or metaphysical inconformity? Thou shalt not fret, for Mutter Sagpi is laboring day and night in foul sweat et tears, to bring thee the comfort of ideologischly overcharged picture books. 

Yeah, so I just can't stand being unproductive. I decided I'm gonna upload sample pages of my comics-to-be while I'm still making them. Not like a big crowd's gonna see them, but hey.

  1. Yet untitled space comicbook.

  Yes, yes, I know it's ugly to post something and say it's "yet untitled". But, y'know, I'm trash at titles. I didn't come up with Antheads until I was halfway through the draft, and I refuse to give this other baby some garbage makeshift name while I'm waiting for my remaining braincell to pop up something. 

  I can say, though, that I've given a lot of thought to this immortality subject, and it's hella twisted. It's the first time ever I've scripted a comicbook, and it's a good twelve pages in my tiny-ass handwriting. And when I say tiny-ass, I don't mean just some likkle cursive thing with big gaps between lines. No. I mean six letters per notebook square. So yes, it's going to be a big comic. This is my first contact with digital drawing, too. I must say I goddamn hate it, but I'm trying my best. 

  » If you want, you can look at the drafts I drew a year ago.  Click on this dot: 

  » For a first taste, I will put up the first ten pages of the comic. I'm already working on the seventeenth, but I wanna have a little vantage so I'm never in too much of a hurry. 

  » I wanted to wait 'til i finished ten more pages to upload, but then I realised no one's gonna read 'em anyway, so here is up to page eighteen.


  2. Must-trust.

  Look, Sagpi is complaining about society again
  Meet the comic that follows a gang of frustrated rebeldoids (*gasp* the unseen!) as they learn the infamous fact that rebellion is a fantasy and can only be achieved in comicbooks. Sounds cheap, but the truth is, this reality is indeed hard to put in for someone who really believes in rebellion. I was one of those, just a year ago. It's amazing how humans have the ability to commit barbarism, promise they will never commit it again, and then commit it again shamelessly. And well, just read the thing. It's hand-drawn, because, for real, screw the tablet thing. And because I really need something to do in class.  

» Your usual ten-page try. Taste and enjoy, because this one goes fast.

» Aaaaand... chapter one is through! Yeah, it didn't go fast at all, but I didn't want to do choppy page-to-page updates 'cause it's not like there's somebody expecting for them anyway. Twenty-four juicy pages for ya, my dear. But hold your socks up. The good stuff, I'd say, kicks off in chapter two. 

» It do kick off in chapter two. Here thou have thy tasty ten-page. Thirty-four already, and I'm not even halfway through this.

» Chapter two up! And isn't it just starting to get tassty, my dear boy. Hold on to your suspenders, though, 'cause fifty pages is just half of it. The roller coaster of my snafu rebels has reached its peakpoint — and now it goes down...

» Yes, boys... the kids are starting to frown, and the partitures are starting to crrrrumble... Ten pages of your chapter three right up to your door. 

» Chapter three, more than a year after the beginning of this... interesting ride. It took me a while (a big while indeed) longer to finish this one, since I am unsurprisingly working on several other projects at the same time, and surprisingly paying some attention in class (what?!). In this issue, Mandy and her folk are starting to figure out that their views on society and the people around them might be slightly slanted by the influence of a certain someone in their lives. Someone whose pretty face will be stamped in the cover of the next (and last) tome. 


» Nnnng, just check out my babies, my sweet little babies, look at my babies and me (no, actually just the babies).